As a Hunter Education Instructor I often wonder what happens after the class. Did the person go hunting? If the class taker is a youth, do they have the backing of an adult to follow through with everything else necessary to go hunting? Well, I found out this past weekend that at least two people were listening in my last class and had the desire and follow through to do what it takes to get out there and enjoy the outdoors.
For the youth, I push the hunts offered by California Department of Fish and Wildlife. These hunts are designed to give the young hunter a positive experience their first time out in the field. In the most recent class I taught in January, I informed the class of the upcoming Ray Azbill Youth Pheasant Hunt in San Luis Obispo. Todd and his daughter Emily took my class and my advice. Todd entered Emily in the drawing for the hunt and she was selected! (for this hunt, recent hunter ed graduates get priority) Emily and Todd were fed an excellent tri-tip bbq lunch and given a gift bag full of hunter related goodies. Emily also participated in clay pigeon shooting, archery lessons, game care lessons, and land navigation lessons. Oh and by the way, Emily shot her limit of pheasant! It was a wonderful experience for both.
To research these types of opportunities go to the hunting category on the DFW website and select special hunts. Follow the prompts from there. Good luck and good hunting!