Wild Boar Stew
What you will need to make your stew.
3 pounds wild hog meat. Stew style chunks.
5 stalks of celery.
2-3 table spoons sage.
8-10 garlic cloves.
3 table spoons parsley.
4-5 bay leaves
3-4 cups cut black or green olives.
3-4 small to medium onions chopped.
Salt and Pepper
1 cup tomato paste.
Red wine.
How to prepare the stew.
Take your onions, parsley, garlic, celery, rosemary and sage and chop and ad to a hot pan and sauté with olive for 5-7 minutes and then ad meat, olives, bay leaves and salt and pepper and continue to cook and stir all together. Ad enough canned chicken broth to cover the meat and let reduce after 30 minutes. Then ad your favorite bottle of red wine and the cup of tomato past and cover pan and let cook for 90 minutes at low heat. Check occasionally to make sure your stew is staying moist. You can always ad more wine or broth at your discretion.
Serve over white or brown rice or your favorite pasta.